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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Exciting News

I've just signed with agent Sara Crowe from Harvey Klinger for my young adult novel 'Virgin on the Ridiculous'. It all happened so quickly it still hasn't sunk in - lucky for me my fab crit partners are reminding me on a regular basis.

So here's how it all happened: I queried Sara mid November and two weeks later she asked me to email it to her - that had to be a sign, I just love emailing manuscripts as it takes out all the worry of posting from New Zealand. I mean, who knows what could happen to it on the way - it could be ripped open and stolen (ok, I have a vivid imagination but isn't that a writers perogative?). I could only send the partial (3 chapters) because I hadn't totally finished it (I know you should query with a complete manuscript, but I couldn't wait that long). On the 3rd January Sara asked me to send the full when it was ready (email again!!) and on the 9th Jan I sent it. Then only 10 days later (yes, 10 days) Sara emailed and asked if she could phone and discuss. OMG. I emailed back and we arranged to speak later that day (4 hours later for me, which luckily I passed on msn with my friends in the UK, who were as excited as me). I agreed to go with Sara straight away - I know people say you should wait and think about it, but Sara was top of my agent wish list - what was there to think about.

That's it so far. I'm waiting for Sara (got to love that name) to email me some revisions - only minor - and then it's being sent out. And then the worrying/waiting begins again (talk about glutton for punishment). I'll update my blog as and when anything happens. Actually I'm being nagged that much by my fellow bloggers (you know who you are) that I might have to blog more regularly anyway.

You've got an agent. You've got an agent. Whoops, sorry, didn't mean to embarrass you but it's my duty to remind you every hour on the hour. And you know how I hate to avoid responsiblity!!
Bob here:
By devious means...I arrived. It took some doing I can tell you.
Just shows, you can not hide from me.
And I HAVE to repeat what Amanda said.
You've got an agent, you've got an agent!
YAY!! You have an agent!! I'm sooo excited for you (in case you hadn't already guessed!)

And yes I think you should blog on a more regular basis. Why, you ask? Um, because I said so?

BTW... you have an agent!!
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