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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Amanda's Cover

Check out this cover for Amanda's (great friend and crit partner) debut book:

COOL, or what!!!!

Beautiful cover! I'll have to run over to her site and read all about it! Lucky girl...

I saw her name in the Fast Draft chat loop.
I'm totally in love with it.

Yeah, Amanda's on a first draft binge like you. It's really impressive the amount you're both writing.
OMG - it looks just as purdy over here as well!! Hehehehehe! Now we need to wait for your cover and we'll have a matching pair!
It's gorgeous! And exactly what you wanted for Holly, Amanda!!
It's a fabulous cover. NAL does amazing covers. Glad you got a great one, Amanda!
Thanks everyone. Yup, I'm still looking at it. And Maureen, you're so right, I've been loving the NAL covers that I've seen lately. I feel really lucky!
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